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IBM Donates Small Cluster to KTH in Stockholm

February 10, 2001

IBM has donated a small cluster to KTH (the Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm, as part of a program to establish a network of Open Software development University sites in Europe. The lab, which officially opens February 13, will initially focus on education and development for open source for security, file systems, systems administration, visualization, network administration, network simulation, internet infrastructure including mobile communication, and applications in science and engineering.

The four initially participating centers, Paralleldatorcentrum (PDC), KTH Network Operations Center (KTHNOC), the KALLSUP educational consortium, and the Stockholm Bioinformatics Center (SBC), have excellent track records in research and development, which should provide many opportunities for collaboration.

PDC is the lead national academic computing center known for its efforts to make parallel computing accessible and usable. In the systems area, one of the more significant developments is a version of Kerberos V that was developed and written from scratch. PDC has also developed scheduling software for parallel systems (prior to the Maui scheduler), visualization and steering software for Virtual Reality environments, and scientific computing and numerical software (with MatLab / Mathworks spin-offs).

KTHNOC, the Network Operations Center at KTH, is responsible for the KTH campus network, the Swedish University Network (SUNET) and the Nordic University Network (NORDUnet). It plans to use the cluster technology for education and network simulation, and a variety of network administration, routing and protocol studies.

The Stockholm Bioinformatics Center, which is focused on functional genomics, is joint insitution of KTH, Stockholm University and the Karolinska Institute. KALLSUP, (KTHs Arbetsgrupp för Lokala och Lättanvända Superdatorer), is a consortium of several departments at KTH formed to further computational science and engineering, and is focused on tools and computational techniques in undergraduate and graduate education.

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