Access Grid: Wide-Area Group Collaborative Visualization
[United States]
Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Advanced Networking for Telemicroscopy
[United States and Japan]
National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research, San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA
ALIVE: Architectural Linked Immersive Environment
[Netherlands and the United States]
SARA Academic Computing Services Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Argus: Controlling Real-Time Imaging Sensors from a Virtual Environment
[United States]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Blue Window Pane II
[United States]
Indiana University, USA
Cultural Heritage in Virtual Reality
[United States and Japan]
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
CyberCAD: Internet Distributed Interactive Collaborative Design
Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore
Data and Information Access Link (DIAL)
[Japan and the United States]
Digital Cinema 2000: Super High Definition Digital Movie Communication System
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Japan
Distributed Particle Physics Research
[United States and CERN]
California Institute of Technology, USA; CERN, Switzerland
Distributed Simulation Analysis between Scientists Located in Germany, USA, and Japan
[United States, Germany and Japan]
Sandia National Laboratories, USA
GiDVN: Global Internet Digital Video Network
see also: TransPAC GiDVN
[United States, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Korea, Singapore, The Netherlands, Sweden, CERN and Spain]
International Center for Advanced Internet Research (iCAIR), Northwestern University, USA
Haptic Collaboration in Networked Immersive Environments
The University of Tokyo, Japan
High Speed Networking with SUBARU Telescope in Hawaii
[Japan and the United States]
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Human Anatomy Lecture-on-Demand at the National University of Singapore
National University of Singapore, Singapore
MediaZine A Combination of Television, WWW, Telecommunications and 3D Computer Graphics
[Germany and Singapore]
Fraunhofer Institut Graphische Datenverarbeitung (IGD), Darmstadt, Germany
Online Monitoring and Steering of Remote Black Hole Simulations
[Germany and the United States]
Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institute, Potsdam / Golm, Germany
Plate Window Manager (PWM): 2D Window Manipulation System in a Virtual 3D World
Telecommunications Advancement Organization (TAO), Japan
Shared Miletus
[United States and Greece]
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA; Foundation for the Hellenic World, Greece
Steering and Visualization of a Finite-Difference Code on a Computational Grid
[Sweden and United States]
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden; University of Houston, USA
Tele-immersive Image Based Rendering
[United States]
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
TIDE: The Tele-Immersive Data Explorer
[United States]
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Video Avatar Communication in Networked Virtual Environment
Telecommunications Advancement Organization (TAO), Japan
A Virtual GIS-Based 3D Hydrodynamic Model of Tamshui River
[Taiwan and Germany]
National Center for High-Performance Computing, Taiwan