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STAR TAP℠ Biology

Molecular and Cellular Biosciences

Collaboration for Structural Biology: Remote Protein Crystallographic Structure Determination Through Remote Real-Time Data Collection
Stanford University, USA; National University of Singapore, Singapore; University of Gottingen, Germany

DNA Structure and Dynamics
Arizona State University, USA; Moscow State University, Russia

Interactive Simulation in the Field of Plant Nutrition
Penn State University, USA; Tel Aviv University, Israel

Phylogenetic Data Logo
Maximum Likelihood Analysis Of Phylogenetic Data
Indiana University, USA; National University of Singapore, Singapore; Cooperative Research Center, Advanced Computational Systems (ACSys CRC), Australia

Trans-Pacific Telemicroscopy
see also: Advanced Networking for Telemicroscopy at iGrid 2000
University of California San Diego, USA; Osaka University, Japan

AcetylCholinesterase Vis image
Visualization of Acetylcholinesterase: Nature’s Vacuum Cleaner
Cornell University, USA; Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

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