STAR TAP℠ Application Papers
J. Leigh, J. Girado, R. Singh, A. Johnson, K. Park, T.A. DeFanti,
TeraVision: A Platform and Software Independent Solution for Real Time Display Distribution in Advanced Collaborative Environments,
Proceedings of the Access Grid Retreat, La Jolla, California, 2002.
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A. Johnson, J. Leigh,
Tele-Immersive Collaboration in the CAVE Research Network, (chapter),
Collaborative Virtual Environments: Digital Places and Spaces for Interaction, Churchill, Snowdon and Munro, eds., January 2001, pp.225-243.
Y. Zhou, T. Murata, T. DeFanti, and H. Zhang,
Fuzzy-Timing Petri Net Modeling and Simulation of a Networked Virtual Environment NICE,
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Transactions, Fundamentals, special section on Concurrent Systems Technology, Vol. E83-A, No. 11, November 2000.
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K. Park, Y. Cho, N. Krishnaprasad, C. Scharver, M. Lewis, J. Leigh, A. Johnson,
CAVERNsoft G2: A Toolkit for High Performance Tele-Immersive Collaboration,
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology 2000, Oct 22-25, 2000, Seoul, Korea, pp. 8-15.
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Y. Zhou, T. Murata, T. DeFanti,
Modeling and Performance Analysis Using Extended Fuzz-Timing Petri Nets for Networked Virtual Environments,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 737-756, October 2000.
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H. Nussbacher,
Satellite Networking,
EPSCoR Workshop, San Diego, CA, July 21, 2000.
Tomoko Imai, Zhongwei Qiu, Sowmitri Behara, Susumu Tachi, Tomonori Aoyama, Andrew Johnson, Jason Leigh,
Overcoming Time-Zone Differences and Time Management Problem with Tele-Immersion,
Proceedings of INET 2000, Yokohama, Japan, July 18-21, 2000, published by Internet Society (ISOC), accepted for publication.
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Jason Leigh, Maggie Rawlings, Javier Girado, Greg Dawe, Ray Fang, Muhammad-Ali Khan, Alan Cruz, Dana Plepys, Daniel J. Sandin, Thomas A. DeFanti,
AccessBot: An Enabling Technology for Telepresence,
INET 2000 Proceedings, The 10th Annual Internet Society Conference, July 18-21, 2000, Yokohama, Japan, CD ROM.
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D. He, F. Liu, D. Pape, G. Dawe, D. Sandin,
Video-Based Measurement of System Latency,
Proceedings of the 4th International Immersive Projection Technology Workshop, Ames IA, June 19-20, 2000.
N. Sawant, C. Scharver, J. Leigh, A. Johnson, G. Reinhart, E. Creel, S. Batchu, S. Bailey, R. Grossman,
The Tele-Immersive Data Explorer: A Distributed Architecture for Collaborative Interactive Visualization of Large Datasets,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Immersive Projection Technology Workshop 2000, June 19-20, Ames, Iowa.
A. Johnson,
Creating Tele-Immersion Environments,
Tutorial presentation at the 11th Annual Workshop on Interconnections Within High Speed Digital Systems, Santa Fe NM, May 21-24, 2000.
H. Nussbacher,
The Asymmetry of Internet-2,
Internet2 International Task Force Meeting, Washington DC, March 27-29, 2000.
Ray Fang,
Forward Error Correction for Multimedia and Tele-immersionStreams,
EVL internal technical report, February 2000.
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Steven N. Goldstein, Maxine D. Brown, Thomas A. DeFanti,
The Science, Technology and Research Transit Access Point (STAR TAP),
La Recherche, Paris, France, February 2000.
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T. DeFanti,
Better than Being There: Next Millennium Networks,
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, January / February 2000, pp. 60-61.
Tom DeFanti,
The Global Technology Grid: Its Role in Virtual Reality.
Simulation and Visualization on the Grid, PDC Annual Conference, sponsored by the Center for Parallel Computers (Parallelldatorcentrum, PDC) and the Royal Institute of Technology (Kungl Tekniska H^gskolan, KTH), Dec 6-17, 1999, Lecture Notes in
Computational Science and Engineering, B. Engquist, L. Johnsson, M. Hammill, F. Short, eds., Springer Verlag.
Ian Foster, Joseph Insley, Gregor von Laszewski, Carl Kesselman, and Marcus Thiebaux,
Distance Visualization: Data Exploration on the Grid,
IEEE Computer, December 1999, pp. 36-43. Copyright
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Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Gerd Lanfermann, Thomas Radke, Edward Seidel, Werner Benger, Hans-Christian Hege, Andre Merzky, Joan Masso, and John Shalf,
Solving Einstein’s Equations on Supercomputers,
IEEE Computer, December 1999, pp. 52-58. Copyright
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Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Maxine Brown, Daniel Sandin, and Thomas DeFanti,
Visualization in Teleimmersive Environment,
IEEE Computer, December 1999, pp. 66-73. Copyright
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Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Tom DeFanti, Stuart Bailey, Robert Grossman,
A Tele-Immersive Environment for Collaborative Exploratory Analysis of Massive Data Sets,
ASCI 99, Heijen, The Netherlands, June 15-17, 1999, pp. 3-9.
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Tom DeFanti, Dan Sandin, Maxine Brown, Dave Pape, Josephine Anstey, Mike Bogucki, Greg Dawe, Andy Johnson, Tom Huang,
Technologies for Virtual Reality / Tele-Immersion Applications: Issues of Research in Image Display and Global Networking,
European Commission / National Science Foundation Advanced Research Workshop on “Human-Centered Computing, Online Communities, and Virtual Environments”, Judy Brown, Andy van Dam, Rae Earnshaw, Jose Encarnacao, Richard Guedj, Jennifer Preece, Ben Shneiderman, John Vance, eds., Chateau de Bonas, France, June 1-4, 1999, (to be published by Springer Verlag).
M. Brown,
CAVERN: The CAVE Research Network (abstract),
TERENA NORDUnet Networking Conference 1999: The Challenge of Gigabit Networking, Lund, Sweden, June 7-10, 1999.
M. Brown, T. DeFanti, M. McRobbie, A. Verlo, D. Plepys, D.F. McMullen, K. Adams, J. Leigh, A. Johnson, I. Foster, C. Kesselman, A. Schmidt, S. Goldstein,
The International Grid (iGrid): Empowering Global Research Community Networking Using High Performance International Internet Services,
INET ’99, San Jose, June 22-25, 1998, San Jose, California, (accepted for publication).
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Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Tom DeFanti, Maxine Brown, Mohammed Ali, Stuart Bailey, Andy Banerjee, Pat Banerjee, Jim Chen, Kevin Curry, Jim Curtis, Fred Dech, Brian Dodds, Ian Foster, Sara Fraser, Kartik Ganeshan, Dennis Glen, Robert Grossman, Randy Heiland, John Hicks, Alan Hudson, Tomoko Imai, Mohammed Khan, Abhinav Kapoor, Robert Kenyon, John Kelso, Ron Kriz, Cathy Lascara, Xiaoyan Liu, Yalu Lin, Theodore Mason, Alan Millman, Kukimoto Nobuyuki, Kyoung Park, Bill Parod, Paul Rajlich, Mary Rasmussen, Maggie Rawlings, Daniel Robertson, Samroeng Thongrong, Robert Stein, Kent Swartz, Steve Tuecke, Harlan Wallach, Hong Yee Wong, Glen Wheless,
A Review of Tele-Immersive Applications in the CAVE Research Network,
IEEE Virtual Reality ’99, Houston, TX, March 1999, (accepted for publication).
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Donald F. McMullen, Michael A. McRobbie, Karen Adams, Douglas Pearson, Thomas A. DeFanti, Maxine D. Brown, Dana Plepys, Alan Verlo, Steven N. Goldstein,
The iGrid Project: Enabling International Research and Education Collaborations through High Performance Networking,
Internet WorkShop ’99 (IWS ’99), Osaka, Japan, February 18-20, 1999.
A. Johnson, J. Leigh, T. DeFanti, D. Sandin, M. Brown, G. Dawe,
Next-Generation Tele-Immersive Devices for Desktop Trans-Oceanic Collaboration,
Proceedings of Visual Communications and Image Processing ’99, Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology ’99, San Jose CA, Jan 23-29, 1999.
Larry Smarr,
Grids in Context,
The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure, Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman, eds., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1999, pp. 1-13.
A. Johnson, J. Leigh, T. DeFanti,
Multi-Disciplinary Experiences with CAVERNsoft Tele-Immersive Applications, Futurefusion: Application Realities for the Virtual Age;
Proceedings of the Fourth InternationalConference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia. Gifu, Japan, Nov 18-20, 1998, pp. 498-503.
Jason Leigh, Kyoung Park, Robert V. Kenyon, Hong-Yee Wong,
Preliminary STAR TAP Tele-Immersion Experiments between Chicago and Singapore,
Proceedings of the 3rd High Performance Computing Asia Conference (HPCAsia ’98), September 22-25, 1998, Singapore.
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T.A. DeFanti, S.N. Goldstein, B. St. Arnaud, R. Wilder, R.C. Nicklas, P. Zawada, B. Davie, and M.D. Brown,
STAR TAP: International Exchange Point for High Performance Applications,
INET ’98, Internet Society’s 8th Annual Networking Conference, July 21-24, 1998, Geneva, CD ROM.
S. Refsland, T. Ojika, T. DeFanti, A. Johnson, J. Leigh, C. Loeffler, X. Tu,
Virtual Great Barrier Reef: A Theoretical approach towards an evolving, interactive VR environment using a distributed DOME and CAVE system,
Proceedings of Virtual Worlds ’98, Paris, France, July 1-3, 1998. Lecture Notesin Artificial Intelligence #1434, Jean-Claude Heudin Ed, Springer Verlag, pp. 323-336.
A. Johnson, J. Leigh, and J. Costigan,
Multiway Tele-Immersion at Supercomputing ’97 or Why We Used $6,000,000 Worth of VR Equipment to do the Hokey Pokey,
IEEE Computer Graphics &Applications, July 1998, pp. 6-9.
A. Johnson, J. Leigh, T. DeFanti, M. Brown, and D. Sandin,
CAVERN: the CAVE Research Network,
Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Multimedia Virtual Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan, March 25, 1998, pp. 15-27.
J. Leigh, T.A. DeFanti, A.E. Johnson, M.D. Brown, and D.J. Sandin,
Global Tele-Immersion: Better Than Being There,
ICAT ’97, 7th Annual International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence, December 3-5, 1997, University of Tokyo, Japan, Virtual Reality Societyof Japan, pp. 10-17.